

In The Spotlight

Hello, foodies!

This came as a surprise to me because I never expected that someone would want to feature me. Caryl Montera a.k.a Ceej is a talented young lady who owns a blog called Finding Ceej on Multiply. We've been acquainted for more or less 8 years now and she's grown to be brilliant and beautiful. She is a mass comm student, photographer and rugby player.    
To know more about her, click on the underlined phrase to be directed to her site. 

Thank you so much, Ceej! :)

-Babe For Food-
your new BFF in Cebu dining! :)


  1. hey, justinne! thanks for the lovely comment :() i always come here baya sa imo blog but was too shy to leave a comment hehe hope to see you around soon ^^

  2. awww. how cute. you shouldn't be shy. i'm nothing compared to u. I should be shy but I just can't help myself from admiring you vocally. haha. see you around, sexy! ;)
